Join us for Sunday worship every week at 9:15 a.m online.
We have been virtual since March 2020, and we will resume in person indoor worship when the risk is sufficiently lowered. Until the transmission rates are holding below 5%, and the vaccination rate is over 50% for our region, and until there is an available vaccination for children, it does not seem prudent to be in person indoors. Weekly Sunday live streams, and information about outdoor worship and fellowship events, can be found on our Facebook page.
Every Sunday morning in our beautiful sanctuary, we celebrate in inspirational worship that stirs our hearts, challenges our minds, and lifts our spirits. Worship is comfortable, genuine, interactive, intergenerational, and multicultural. Planned and led by clergy and laity of all ages, worship reflects Christian tradition, while being innovative, relevant, and unique. Worship includes a liturgical tapestry of prayer, sacrament, music, Scripture reading, and theologically challenging sermons.
Between Services:
Coffee Minute, Youth Group (10:15-11:00), Elementary Children’s Music (10:15-10:30)
Adult Spiritual Formation:
Classes will be offered at both services. You have the option to worship early and study late, or study early and worship late.
Children’s Christian Education:
Godly Play will be offered at both services and will include a preschool music component.
Choir will begin their season singing at early service during Sept-Oct. and will rehearse at 8:45 on Sundays. Nov-Dec the choir will sing at second service, rehearsing at 10:30.
For Sept-Oct, childcare will be available 8:30 AM-10:15 AM and 10:45-Noon.
For Nov-Dec, childcare will be 9-10:15 AM and 10:30-Noon.